About Us

A Good Tree bears Good Fruit…

Our orchards are located in Northern Serbia province of Vojvodina, village of Karavukovo, spreading across an area of 20 hectares and consisting of diverse assortment of cherries such as Carmen, Kordia, Ferovia, Grace Star, Regina…

Every detail was taken into account when planting our orchard: from drip system irrigation which is supplied from natural lake located right next to the orchard, to state-of-the-art cooling storage facilities in the heart of the orchard as well as a production plant in which our jams and compotes are produced.


A combination of modern technology
and agricultural traditions

The orchard, which covers 20 ha, with it’s state of the art technology contains, among other, a drip irrigation system water-supplied from natural resources, anti-hail and anti-freeze systems. The production of cherries from orchards gained added value, in terms of technological and logistical performance, through immediate storage in our state-of-the-art refrigeration systems. This way we have the opportunity to store and keep the cherries completely fresh.



This is where it all begins...

By conquering only the best technologies and growing only 1st class cherries, we came to be one of the best orchards in the country and the region.

Our greatest pride

Our fresh cherry is a premium quality, 1st class cherry. Each fruit undergoes strict control and only 100% healthy and ripe fruits find their way to our customers.


In order to provide our customers with only the highest quality products, we are fully committed to controlling the entire production process.


Thanks to our state-of-the-art refrigeration facility, we are able to store our complete harvest for a longer period of time, completely retaining all natural characteristics of the fruit.

Cherry products

Our control of production procedures, conditions and quality, from first blossoms to packed products is total. Our products are produced according to traditional recipes, without any added flavors, artificial colors and preservatives.

Fresh cherries

Our fresh cherry is a premium quality, 1st class cherry. Each fruit passes strict control and only 100% healthy and ripe fruits find their way to our customers.
Our Vision

High standard in
all business segments

With constant investing of financial resources and knowledge, we have raised our capacities and established high standards that are leading us to become synonymous with quality in the entire region. Our dedication is further enhanced by the support of world-renowned experts and business people who have only high praise for our orchard and our work.

Stevan Stanojkovic



Premium products
without compromise

We are consistent in our intention that only the highest quality fruit from our own orchard find their way to our cherry products and reach our customers. In order to provide our customers with only the best, we strictly control the entire production process, from seed to shelve. We are constantly improving and introducing innovations to maintain competency and quality.

From the beginning of planting orchards to products on the shelf, our imperative is the principle that only the highest quality and healthiest fruits and cherry products reach our customers.
We protect the environment and establish biological balance in the system. From land, plants and animals, to man.

Our team of experts, in cooperation with world-renowned consultants, manage the orchard and all production processes.



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The agricultural cooperative “Agrodunav” from the village of Karavukovo in Bačka, Northern Serbia province of Vojvodina, is a true example of the renaissance of an economic entity that gradually developed various types of agricultural production on the thorny path to economic vitality.